Trend analysis

Please note that in order to distinguish two campaigns’ results compared, the following shade code was used. The lightest bar colour was used to represent 2017 results and darkest for 2021 results. Shades in between represent campaigns as per the chart below. The example is presented in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Year to year comparison shades codes
Fig. 1. Year to year comparison shades codes

It must be noted that due to change of the scoring methodology the trend analysis can be performed only on operators ranking level. The differences in project methodology, test types and scoring evaluation limits the possible analysis of trends.

Fig. 2. Final scores comparison - 1

Fig. 2. Final scores comparison - 2
Fig. 2. Final scores comparison

Over the years RATEL performed Benchmark project the ranking of operators changed significantly. Telekom Srbija being last in 2017 improved their quality of service in 2019. Since than it’s leading mainly due to constant improvement of their network. Fierce fight for second place is between A1 Srbija and Telenor.