Data Services

Mobile Network Benchmarking measurements were completed in October and November 2021 and the obtained results are referring to that time period only. Please note that the current mobile network KPIs values may differ from those shown here.

The selected KPIs for data tests achieved by operators with the split per the aggregation type are presented in Figure 1. Those show differences between operators for data transfer, messaging, browsing and YouTube video watching.

selected kpi

Fig. 1. Selected KPI from data test

Small file Transfer - Download

Results for Small file DL 10 MB tests are presented in Figure 2.

KPIs results for FDTT HTTP Capacity Transfer - Download (FDTT HTTP DL)

Fig. 2. KPIs results for Small file Transfer - Download

Large Cities:
All operators achieved excellent session success rates. A1 had the highest average data rate (LTE-4CA this year). Telekom Srbija with the second result both in the average and P10/P90. Telenor behind the competitors

Medium Cities:
Similarly to the Large Cities, all operators achieved excellent session success rates. A1 had the best overall average throughput results, with Telekom Srbija being second and Telenor mobile third.

Small Cities:
Again, all operators achieved excellent session success rates. A1 with the highest average data rate followed by Telekom Srbija and Telenor

Success rates were lower on the Rural Roads and Main Roads compared to the Highways. Overall, Telenor had the best session success rate on Highways. On Rural Roads and Main Roads, Telekom achieved best results for session success rates but A1 takes the lead in the average data rate.

Similarly to Rural areas on Roads, the session success rates are much lower than in other aggregations mainly due to the tunnels and mountainous areas which lead to the weak coverage. Telekom Srbija with the best success rate with Telenor right behind. A1 behind the competitors. For the average data rate, Telekom and A1 almost at pair in the average data rates achieved.

Hot Spots:
Like in Large Cities, all operators achieved excellent session success rates. Overall, A1 had highest average data rate. Telekom Srbija scored second and Telenor last.

Small file Transfer – Upload

Results for Small file UL 5 MB tests are shown in Figure 8.

KPIs results for FDTT HTTP Capacity Transfer - Download (FDTT HTTP DL)

Fig. 8. KPIs results for Small file Transfer - Uploads

Large Cities:
In Large Cities, all operators achieved almost perfect session success rates. A1 with Telekom Srbija and Telenor on very similar level in terms of the average UL throughputs.

Medium Cities:
Similarly to the Large Cities, all operators had very good success rates. A1 achieved highest result in average UL throughput and P90 with Telenor second and Telekom with poorest throughputs.

Small Cities:
Again, all operators achieved excellent session success rates. A1 with the highest average data rate followed by Telekom Srbija and Telenor.

Success rates were lower on the Rural Roads and Main Roads compared to the Highways. Overall, Telenor had the best session success rate on Highways. On Main Roads and Rural Roads, Telekom has the best results of session success rate. All three operators with similar UL throughputs.

Similarly to Rural areas on Roads, the session success rates are much lower than in other aggregations mainly due to the tunnels, and mountainous areas which lead to weak coverage. Telekom Srbija with the best success rate. All three operators with similar low average throughputs.

Hot Spots:
Like in Large Cities, all operators achieved excellent session success rates. Overall, Telekom had highest average data rate with Telenor second and A1 last.

Web Browsing

Tests results for Web Browsing tests are presented in Figure 9.

KPIs results for FDTT HTTP Capacity Transfer – Upload (FDTT HTTP UL)

Fig. 9. KPIs results for Web Browsing tests

Large Cities:
Success rates for web pages were on a very good level for all three oprators. Average session time on similar level for all operators with lead of Telekom Srbija.

Medium Cities:
In Medium Cities, similarly to Large Cites, the success rates were very good for all three operators. Telenor with the shortest average duration.

Small Cities:
Again, all operators achieved excellent session success rates. For the average duration, Telekom Srbija with the shortest time, Telenor and A1 almost at pair.

Success rates were lower on the Rural Roads and Main Roads compared to the Highways. Telekom Srbija was the best overall, both with the shortest session duration and success rates for all three roads aggregations including Highways, Main Roads and Rural Roads.

Similarly to Rural areas on Roads, the session success rates are much lower than in other aggregations mainly due to the tunnels, and mountainous areas which lead to weak coverage. Telekom Srbija again with the shortest session duration.

Hot Spots:
All operators achieved excellent session success rates with Telekom and Telenor at pair. Overall, Telekom Srbija had the shortest average session duration.


YouTube test results of testing the quality of live stream video transmission are presented in Figure 10.

KPIs results for HTTP File Transfer - Download (HTTP DL 3 MB)

Fig. 10. KPIs results for YouTube video tests

Large Cities:
Telekom Srbija and Telenor had very similar results in success rates with A1 slightly behind. Telekom Srbija and A1 at pair in VMOS result with Telenor a bit ahead the competitors. For the Video Access Time Telekom Srbija with the shortest time.

Medium Cities:
In Medium Cities, similarly to Large Cites, Telekom Srbija and Telenor had very similar results in success rates with A1 slightly behind. Both Video Quality MOS and Video Access Times were on similar levels for all three operators.

Small Cities:
In Small Cities, Telenor showed the excellent success rate, Telekom and A1 almost at pair. Both Video Quality MOS and Video Access Times were on similar levels for all three operators.

Success rates were lower on the Rural Roads and Main Roads compared to the Highways. Telekom Srbija with the best success rate and the shortest Video Access Times for Main Roads and Rural Roads.

Similarly to Rural areas on Roads, the session success rates are much lower than in other aggregations mainly due to the tunnels, and mountainous areas which lead to the weak coverage. Telekom Srbija with the best success rate and shortest Video Access Time. Video Quality MOS almost equal for all three operators.

Hot Spots:
All operators achieved excellent session success rates. Telenor both with the shortest Video Access Time and best Video Quality MOS.


Messaging tests results are presented in Figure 11.

KPIs results for HTTP File Transfer - Upload (HTTP UL 1MB)

Fig. 11. Messaging tests

Large Cities:
In Large Cities, Telekom Srbija with almost perfect session success rate, leaving A1 and Telenor behind. Telekom with the shortest average duration, almost at pair with A1. Telenor behind the competitors

Medium Cities:
Similarly to the Large Cities, Telekom Srbija with almost perfect session success rate, leaving A1 and Telenor behind. Telekom with the shortest average duration, almost at pair with A1. Telenor with the longer session time than the competitors

Small Cities:
Again, Telekom Srbija with almost perfect session success rate, leaving A1 and Telenor behind. Telekom with the shortest average duration, leaving A1 and Telenor behind

Success rates were lower on the Rural Roads and Main Roads compared to the Highways. Overall, Telekom had the best session success rate on Highways, Main Roads and Rural Roads. In terms of average duration, Telekom was in general better apart from the Rural Roads where A1 session average duration was slightly shorter.

Similarly to Rural areas on Roads, the session success rates are much lower than in other aggregations mainly due to the tunnels, and mountainous areas which lead to weak coverage. Telenor with the best success rate and A1 with the shortest average duration.

Hot Spots:
All operators achieved excellent session success rates. Overall, A1 and Telekom almost at pair with average session duration times and Telenor slightly behind the competitors.